Compton Chamberlayne

Fishery Rules

River Nadder Compton Chamberlayne Fishery Rules

  1. Rods must be in possession of a current Environment Agency Rod Licence, available from any Post Office or online here
  2. Upstream Dry Fly Only
  3. From 1st July Upstream Nymph Maximum Size 12 may be used
  4. 2 Brace of fish per rod day may be taken minimum size 12 inches.
  5. Only fish allocated beat.
  6. For your own and others safety whilst fishing please read our Risk Assessment HERE before commencing fishing.

Catch returns should be delivered to the River Keeper at Dinton Mill Cottage at the end of day.

Compton Chamberlayne Estate Heath & Safety

Compton Chamberlayne Estate
Health & Safety Policy

On arrival parked cars should be securely locked and visitors should remove any valubles from view.
Various walkways and footbridges are provide. Fisherman should take extra care when crossing them to avoid slipping.
In the event of an accident the following telephone numbers can be called for immediate assistance:-
Charlie Patrick 07739592358
Ian Cutler 07739592357
Harry Ames 07739592359
Estate Office 01722714812
First Aid Kits are provided in each fishing hut.
Wading is permitted but generally not necessary. When wading fishermen must wear a lifejacket to be provided by themselves
Fishermen when back-casting must be sure to avoid hooking any other person on the river bank.
Fishermen when carrying an extended rod should take care to carry the rod facing backwards to avoid a possible accident with another person.
The Banks and walkways are generally kept mown but fishermen must, however take special care not to slip on uneven ground and/or unforseen depressions.
There are areas where the banks are very high and special care should be taken not to fall into the river.

Accommodation & Food

compassesThe Compasses Inn Chicksgrove Tel 01722 714318







Fishery details download